Welcome to NuGO

NuGO is an Association of Universities and Research Institutes focusing on the joint development of the research areas of molecular nutrition, personalised nutrition, nutrigenomics and nutritional systems biology.

Updated 04.06.2024

NuGO Newsletters, Annual Reports, Flyers and Publications

Annual Conference, NuGOweek 2024

The NuGO week 2024 is organised by NuGO & Ghent University and co-organised with Benelux Metabolomics Days 2024 (for 5+6 September, by NMC)

When: 2-5 September, 2024
Where: Zebrastraat, Ghent, BE
Registration here (limited places, early bird ends 17 May!)
Local organizer: Prof. Lynn Vanhaecke, Ghent University, BE
NuGOweek 2024 website, abstract submission and registration are open!

Webinars - NEW

*How to use Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Research
When: 13 June, 15-16h CEST
Find here the link to the two preparatory recordings for this webinar!
1 - Professor Michael Riegler, SimulaMet, Norway
Practical examples of how to use AI within Health Research

2 - Dr Ivo Djidrovski, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Overview of ChatGPT/ large language models

Register here.  Download the flyer here for more information!


*5th European Summer School on Nutrigenomics
Nutritional epigenetics as a new strategy for long and healthy life to humans and environment
When: 18 to 21 June
Where (venue): Hotel City, in Senigallia (AN), Italy.
For more info and visit https://nutrigenomics.unicam.it

*NuGO postgraduate course 2024, Ghent, Belgium
When: 31 August to 2 September, prior to NuGO week 2024
Where: Ghent University, Campus Veterinary Medicine, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke
Find here information on programme, registration & costs and download the flyer here.

Questions to one of the events? please ask us under nugo[at]wur[dot]nl.

Recordings of past webinars!

NEW - Oral Health, organizer: Heli Viljakainen, the webinar will be shared on a later moment, due to unpublished data that was presented.
Find here the programme! Want to see the recording, please contact us at nugo[at]wur[dot]nl.

NEW- ZIEL Research Strategy, Food & Microbiome, Human Intervention, Career support for young Scientists.
=> click to recording
NEW-  The Path to Personalized Health is Paved with Data
=> click to recording
ELIXIR: How to find, analyse and share data’
=> click to recording
- Lifelines, Biobank for Life Science and Health Research
=> click to recording
- What does FAIR mean to you?
=> click to recording
- Omics for Nutrition Science 1, Nutrition Science, omics data capturing
=> click to recording
- Omics for Nutrition Science 2, Data analysis & infrastructure in food and nutrition
=> click to recording

NuGO News & Publication