NuGO grants for 6th Nutrition Winter School
6th Nutrition Winter School
27-31 January 2020
Levi, Lapland
The 6th Nutrition Winter School has as theme "Diet & Microbes: Gut health for the brain and body" and the scientific sessions on each day are designed to include both novel findings as well as basic concepts around these topics.
Grant information
NuGO will make 4 course grants available for PhDs and postdocs (< 3 years after obtaining the PhD) from one of the NuGO member organisations, covering the registration fee of 550€.
Deadline grant submission
The abstract submission deadline is 15 November 2019, the deadline for the grant application is Thursday 31 October 2019. The request for financial support should be addressed to [email protected] and include your motivation, your CV and the abstract you've submitted.
If the number of application exceed the number of grants a selection will be made based on one participant per partner, your documents and the participation in this course in the past.
Reimbursement will be done after the course. A report and a group picture of the NuGOparticipants should be send to the NuGO office within 2 weeks after the course.